Forging the Crown: Thematic RestrictionsOver the past forty years, roleplaying character classes blossomed into a plethora of possibilities. The original Dungeons and Dragons...
Free Adventure Exploit: The Shadow of FlameAn ancient dragon returns to an age-old lair to bind its wounds. The Shadow of Flame is a short adventure for four to five player...
Free Adventure Exploit: The Cry of a DaughterBy Joshua Raynack A rogue magus preys upon the hearts of travelers while he picks their pockets. The Cry of a Daughter is a short...
Free Adventure Exploit: The Gift of the Gnarled OneBy Joshua Raynack Desperate herdsmen call upon the old gods of their ancestors only to realize it could cost them their livelihood. Gift...
Building Character: Birth in Medieval FantasyBy Joshua Raynack Before you shove your fifty-foot rope into your adventurer kit to explore the known world and beyond, give thought to...
The Venerable Tome: New Wizard SpellsBy Joshua Raynack Magic, as with all manners of study, evolves. Whether a magus comprehends the ritual theatrics to weave spellcraft or...
Forging the Crown: A World from the SunBy Joshua Raynack In our first Forging the Crown article, Reshaping the Feudal Lords Campaign Setting, we introduced the idea of...
Forging the Crown: Reshaping the Feudal Lords Campaign SettingBy Joshua Raynack One of my most treasured possessions as an incorrigable lad and still today is The Encyclopedia of Things That Never...